Nutrition Consultations

Nutrition Is One Cornerstone of Your Health


Being overfed yet malnourished causes many diseases

In the past decade, nutrition has finally found a firm foothold in conversations about health and disease. Backed by mountains of research, it is now well known to be a major contributor to the chronic diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancers, autoimmune) ravaging both developed and developing nations. Research has also taught us that these diseases are generally caused by being consistently “overfed” yet malnourished. We are consuming too much calorie-rich, nutrient-poor foods, and we are too stressed.  With some lifestyle changes these chronic conditions are actually preventable. 

“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants” 

Steering clear of calorie-rich, nutrient-poor foods is essential yet confusing because alongside the good research comes a confusing deluge of internet opinion, that all too often becomes dietary gospel overnight. It is overwhelming, even for professionals.  However, there are some constants to lean on or return to: relying on whole foods and plants should be the mainstay of your diet. As author Michael Pollan says, “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” I am here to help you transition to a plant-based, whole foods diet (at your pace). 

Education and understanding is the key to change

I approach nutrition consultations with an emphasis on education,  and how core concepts of good dietary habits may affect your biology and chemistry. I have found that once people know a bit about the dynamics of digestion, assimilation and elimination, they gain some compassion for the effort it takes to make an apple, or a grain of rice,  much less a bagel,  become part of you. I find most people are quite eager to learn about their bodies and actually want to do well by it. Knowledge is key. 

Poor nutrition precedes most illnesses

Keeping your ten trillion cells and your 100 trillion bacteria happily fed is critical to every aspect of your biology. This affects all your systems, including your brain and emotions. Therefore, a nutrition consultation may be indicated for just about any situation. Perhaps your energy is low, you sleep poorly, are experiencing menopausal symptoms or migraines.  You may be coming to me with a diagnosis of cancer, pre-diabetes, irritable bowel or reflux. You may have just finished cancer treatment and want to know how to change the “terrain.”  The quality of your nutrition affects everything and is mostly in your control.

There is not one diet that works for everyone, and the only diet I encourage is one of whole foods. However, I am well versed in the many options, and can “speak” Paleo, Keto, vegan, vegetarian, FODMAP, SCD, etc. Yes, in certain conditions these diets can be therapeutic. We are all so unique. Some of us can digest starches and some cannot. Some cannot tolerate the thought of meat while others thrive on it. do also believe in the adage “if you go on a diet, you’ll go off a diet.” Any diet that’s too restrictive for too long is unsustainable. A plant-based diet is completely sustainable.  

A time for supplementation

In situations where I suspect a deficiency, I may recommend supplementation. There are good supplements for sleep, anxiety, improved digestion. Adrenal overload may require support of adaptogenic herbs. However, there are no substitutes for a moderate lifestyle; you cannot supplement your way to good health. No supplement is the silver bullet.